Niall Alisdair Campbell
Niall Alisdair Campbell
My work is a response to questions that arise from a desire to understand my world. It is topographical, the charting of my own ever evolving terrain, in this respect it is not a fixed approach, who & what I am changes on a daily basis, highs, lows, all of this has an impact on how I view my world. For me, it is about trying to work out the bits of jigsaw that present themselves, but it is an ever changing jigsaw as I see it. The subject matter and development of the work is not pre meditated. A query today is not the same tomorrow, in this respect a work is never ever finished. The surface is imbued with layers of hidden dialogue, an ever evolving innate conversation that is attempting to voice these concerns and connect; if an image manages to do this with someone else then the journey is all the more worthwhile.